The winners of this year’s Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2019 have been announced, with the top prize of £10,000 going to Hungarian photographer László Francsics for a multiple exposure of the 35 phases of the lunar eclipse on January 21 (see below). “For a single multiple-exposure image to capture this with such positional precision, creative innovation and beauty is nothing short of masterful,” said Ed Robinson, one of the judges. “The colours of our atmosphere projected onto the Moon’s disc during the eclipse are not only artistically pleasing, but also offer an understanding of such events.”

The competition is now in its 11th year and attracted a record-breaking 4,600 entries from 90 countries. Other winning images included a panorama showing the Aurora Borealis over the Lofoten Islands in Norway (below), and a great picture from Ben Bush from the UK of his dog Floyd, surrounded by Mars, Saturn and the Milky Way (see bottom of article)

The Young Astronomy Photographer of the Year is 11-year-old Davy van der Hoeven from the Netherlands, who captured a stunning image of the Rosette Nebula with a camera set-up he made with his dad (see below)

All the category winning, highly commended and shortlisted images will be on display at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich from 13 September to 26 April 2020. See here for the full roll of honour of winners.