The Olloclip 4-in-1 lens is designed to capture images in fisheye, wideangle or 10x and 15x zoom formats.

The latest version is built to be compatible with the iPhone 6 (4.7in) and larger iPhone 6 Plus (5.5in) – working with both the front and rear-facing iPhone cameras.

Its maker says it can also be worn as a pendant – making it the ‘first wearable smartphone lens’.

The kit includes three customisable pendants, available in three colours, that can be clipped to a backpack or key ring, for example.

The Olloclip 4-in-1 Photo lens for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus costs £69.99 and can now be ordered across Europe.

The device is designed to clip on and off an iPhone in seconds, with no extra parts required.

The first Olloclip, for the iPhone 4, was funded via crowdfunding website Kickstarter in June 2011.

The California-based project was devised by Patrick O’Neill as a ‘quick-connect lens solution for the iPhone 4 that includes a fisheye, wideangle and macro lenses all in one’.

The Kickstarter project pulled in 1,300 backers, raising more than $68,000 – easily surpassing its target of $15,000.
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In his plea for backers, O’Neill said in 2011: ‘Nestled in the palm of your hand, the Olloclip connects to the iPhone within two seconds, so you’ll be sure to capture the image you want… if you don’t see the picture you’re looking for, just flip it over to switch the lens.’

The Olloclip 4-in-1 lens is available from